Privacy Policy

LandHousing regards it is crucial to ensure safe and proper handling of personal information properly.
The following privacy policy for our website explains how we handle personal information so that you can use our website safely.

1.Definition of personal information

Personal information is information about living individuals, and we recognize that it is information that can identify and specify individuals, such as their "name," "date of birth," and "contact information."

2.Purpose of collecting and using personal information

We collects personal information on this site for the following purposes, and if it is to be used for purposes other than the following, we would obtain individual consent from customers.

  • To contact, notify, and send materials regarding our services.
  • To provide information from our company.
  • To provide information on our services, campaign information (including advertisements), and send materials.
  • For our company to contact you regarding your "questions, opinions, etc."
  • For our company to contact you regarding inquiries and troubles that occur when using this site.
  • To store information for a certain period of time to ensure smooth operation of this website.
  • To use it as our company's marketing data in a form that does not allow individuals to be identified.

3.Restrictions on provision of collected personal information to the third parties

We will not provide your personal information to any third parties without your consent. However, this shall not apply in the following cases.

  • When it is necessary to protect the vital benefits of the customer or the public, such as life, health, property, etc.
  • When there is a request for disclosure from the police, court, lawyer, etc., or an organization with authority stipulated by law.

4.Regarding security for personal information protection

This site takes the following measures to ensure security when collecting your personal information.

  • When collecting your personal information, we use SSL (Secure Socket Layer: an encryption technology that makes information sent from the website unreadable over the Internet).
  • In order to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of customers' personal information, we have introduced security systems such as firewalls.
  • We educate our employees regarding the handling of personal information, and handle personal information under a strict management system.

5.Regarding cookies usage

This site uses cookies to improve customer convenience. The information collected through the usage of cookies does not identify or identify individuals. You can use this site even if you disable cookies on your browser, but please note that some services may not function properly.

6.Disclosure of personal information

If we are requested by an identical person to disclose personal information, we will disclose it to the individual without delay according to our prescribed procedures. However, if disclosure fails under any of the following, we may refuse to disclose all or part of the information, and we will notify the person without delay of the reason why the disclosure is not available.

  • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party.
  • In cases where there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of our business.
  • In case of violation of laws and regulations.

7.Correction and suspension of use of personal information, etc.

For inquiries regarding "correction" or "suspension of use" of personal information, please contact "8. Contact information" below. We will respond without delay according to the prescribed procedures.

8.Contact information

LandHousing Co., Ltd. Personal Information Consultation Desk Person in Charge







